what supported space looks like for me, and how I use retreats as a springboard to move forward with intention.
Read MoreRoutine and ritual can be especially powerful in autumn, when the winds of change tend to swirl around us. Here are some ideas for grounding during this swirly, transitional season.
Read MoreThis moment needs people to care. This moment needs people to know they are supported and connected. This is what our yoga practices are for.
Read MoreThere’s something about mid-summer, it seems, that makes us run amok like kids through a row of sprinklers. Until eventually, we need to sit down for a minute.
Read MoreA little Provencal inspiration for your summer reading and viewing pleasure.
Read MoreSeasonal adjustments to your morning routine can make for a smoother transition, and help you thrive throughout the season.
Read MoreYour body isn’t an obstacle to be overcome in order to connect to spirit; the two are already and inextricably connected. Applied to asana practice, nonduality encourages us to move with joy, and guides our effort toward steadiness and suppleness, rather than strain and rigidity. It also helps us move toward a deeper, decolonized practice.
Read MoreDaily practice can be a tool, a map, and a sanctuary. But it’s more questions than answers…
Read MoreThe further I travel from home, the more I feel connected to center, to the truths that permeate.
Read MoreTantra asserts that the divine permeates - rather than transcends - the physical realm. There is no separation between the physical and the Divine. Life in this world, and in this body, is to be embraced rather than overcome.
Read MoreRadical interconnection pairs awareness with action. It means we don’t just say “we are all one;” we act like it too. We help where we can, speak up where we can, live the practices of yoga. Here’s a little glimpse of Yoga’s radical roots, and how that history calls us to action now.
Read MoreFor most of us, our reasons for traveling change with each trip: we’re visiting people or traveling for work, exploring new places or doing as little as possible. Whatever the reason or destination, the important thing is… [insert your intention here]. Intention is the how that transcends the why. And since we’re all for taking yoga off the mat around here, let’s talk about how the way we travel can align with the values of yoga.
Read MoreYoga practice is possible anywhere and anytime, with little to no equipment. It’s a practice that meets you where you are. This is especially true of practicing at home. So we’ve pulled together some tips on how to develop a sustainable home yoga practice.
Read MoreUsually when we talk about “yoga off the mat” we’re talking about the ways in which we live the practices of yoga beyond asana. In this case, I wanted to see what it would be like to move through the day specifically as an asana practice. How can we most directly apply asana practice to everyday life off the mat?
Read MoreWhether you’re feeling inundated or pulled from all directions, Yoga practices can support you through the movement of prana. To draw attention inward without shutting the world out, we’ll focus first on prana vayu, the pathway for energy and awareness to draw inward, then use apana vayu to root down into support and connection.
Read MoreRitual allows us to step across the threshold of morning with intention. It can support us, bodymind and spirit, to show up more fully for ourselves and our communities in what is a pretty wild time to be alive. But what makes ritual from a routine? What separates practice from habit?
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